Friday, July 30, 2010

Alternatives to Ebay

  Ebay has been the top Online sales site for years,but recently Amazon has really taken over.  Ebay is still the top Auction Site  but Amazon has more sales from fixed price or Buy it now however you want to label  it.
  Another site has appeared lately for the small time sellers, it's known as Bonanzle. Bonanzle doesn't claim to be Ebay or Amazon,just a place for the average person to sell their personal things without paying  the outrages fees that Ebay has been charging.    Amazon is good for people that want to start a business online with new items,UPC codes are required on Amazon. Ebay is still a good place to sell but you have to have alot of inventory. Bonanzle is great for the person that just wants to sell as a hobby.   I have moved my sales to Amazon and Bonanzle because of the Ebay Fees and the Feedback policy of Ebay. Ebay has become such a pain dealing with outrageous  buyers. Checkout Amazon and or Bonanzle for alternatives to Ebay these are not the only sites either several others are out there to find them just do a search for online sales.

1 comment:

John said...

I agree many online auctions site are getting ridiculously expensive. Ebay is the worst now. For that reason I prefer to use Main Street Fair (, an online auctions and free classified ads site that offers some of the lowest listing fees online. What's even nicer about this site is that it donates a percentage of its listing fees to schools. You guys should check it out!